This is a blog regarding my stay at Loyola di Roma and my adventures throughout Europe. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

So a little update on Rome Center life, the rest of the week with mom and dad was great. It was really nice to spend time with the family. We had some more great meals in rome, good gelato, and I got to see all the sites again, which was really nice, because I don't spend enough time here. Mom and I can also now say the we've walked the entirty of Via del Corso, the most famous shopping street in Italy. Wow, do I wish I could buy everything there all the time!!! Don't worry- I didn't spend too much money :-). Also in the midst of all this, I went my second time to my volunteer sight. As part of my human rights class I am volunteering at La Casa di Giorgia, which is a home for immigrant women and children. I have met some really amazing people, both the staff and the clients. Plus, I am learning a lot- who knew that Italy was a major destination for African refugees? I've met a lot of women from Eritrea, which is a country I didn't even know existed. On Wednesday, I played my first Calcio game! Calcio is Italian soccer, and the Rome Center ha their own league. It is pretty intense, we play on old tennis courts, and last week a guy broke his hand and had to have surgery yesterday! Yikes! We've also been having a lot of blackouts- according to my film teacher because Italy doesn't actually own any source of power, and our kareoke night got cancelled because of smog..? Yeah that confused me too until someone explained that if there is smog, the government picks either odd or evens, and if your license plate falls under whichever they choose you can't drive. Yeah, wow would that never go over in the US. Anways, send me e-mails all you who read this! I want to know what's going on where you are!


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