This is a blog regarding my stay at Loyola di Roma and my adventures throughout Europe. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hello everyone, at least I hope everyone, I don't really know if anyone actually reads this, but at least I'll have it when I'm done :-). Yesterday I went to Pompeii, you know Mount Vesuvius and preserving and entire population. It was pretty cool, really neat to see some place you've read about since third grade. A little morbid, the city wasn't covered in lava, it was covered in volcanic material- essentially if you will the stuff that made up the "cork" of the volcano. So, people were simply buried alive, and there were spaces or cavities where their bodies were. Excavaters then pumped plaster into these cavities, and when the took the volcanic matter away they were left with these casts of people. It includes their bonds, and on some you can even see the imprints of their cloaks and sandals. Pretty damn creepy, and I felt a little morbid. Anyways, we had a good time, but ruins don't really do it for me. Plus we had to get up at 6am and it was a 4hr bus ride both ways. If anything, I am learning how to travel well. Oh and some day, ask to here about the bathrooms at Pompeii- I don't think I can explain in words- lets just say we girls got a lot closer to each other....


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