This is a blog regarding my stay at Loyola di Roma and my adventures throughout Europe. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Lindsay's Birthday at the Drunken Ship

After a long day at the Vatican, and a well earned 3 hour nap, the last thing I wanted to do was head out again. But, it was Lindsay's birthday, and that called for a celebration. We headed out to Campo di Fiori, and the Drunken Ship: as you might be able to ascertain, the American bar. Iroically it seemed much more American than any American bar I've been too: porn on the tvs, and everything from journey to snoop dog on the radio. All americans and all american pricey drinks. It was ok, I like the Italian places better. Anyways, I did have my first long island iced tea. so that was pretty exciting. Buona Sera!


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